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Big Nate first class is a place where they play Big Nate re-runs every day. The comment section is much calmer than Big Nate which draws in a lot of fans. The comment section mainly includes comments about the comic and only has around 10 comments per day. It is a nice change of pace from Big Nate. Big Nate First Class is a rerun of comics from the early stages of Big Nate starting with the first Big Nate arc which is based on the quote"1 picture equals a thousand words". The arcs in Big Nate First Class are in the same order as in Big Nate. There will be no color strips and only black and white. Big Nate First Class also doesn't include colored Sunday strips. Here is the cover for Big Nate First Class compared to Big Nate: on GoComics

Big Nate GoComics cover Comparison

Big Nate

Big Nate

Big Nate first class

Big Nate first class
